Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Very cool!

Hi Everyone,

God is very cool! Last week I was able to help out at Lighthouse Youth Ministries teaching the 10 to 18 year olds how to communicate their faith. Each day the number of students went up. We started on Monday with 26 and ended on Friday with 42. What a joy to see the enthusiasm of these young children of God.
Things at The Point are at anything but a stand still. This week we are calling incoming freshmen to invite them to be a part of The Point. They have also received two post cards from us this summer and will receive at least one more. I have I told you, I can't wait for everyone to get back to school!
The school year messages are just about ready to go - I am going to let some of our student leaders give any last directions they may have. The servant evangelism calendar for the school year is also set. Brochures and welcome packets are being made! Plans for the music ministry are also in full swing. I am so blessed to be a part of all of this!!
The synod convention is going on this week. Keep them in your prayers as tough decisions are being made. Thankfully God made the "tough" decision of sending his Son to be our Savior! I told you, God is very cool!
A big shout out to all who brought food for Samuel Odamah's farewell! Thanks for making the evening very special.
Last week there was the airshow on the Lakefront. As I looked into the sky I saw these amazing supersonic planes and their pilots doing incredible things. And then I remembered, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights." HE is truly amazing. So keep your eyes up and enjoy your week with Jesus!
See you this weekend :)


Thursday, July 23, 2009

FUN Stuff


I hope your week is going as well as mine is! I have been helping out at The Lighthouse. The Lighthouse is a youth ministry for jr. high and high school students. Our whole week has been centered around communicating your faith. What a great privilege to be able to motivate and equip the young students who have so many dreams and who have so much potential.
We are also preparing for the college students to return. For me it's kinda like waiting for Christmas. It can't get here soon enough. We are making welcome packages and brochures and dreaming and praying about all the new people we are going to meet and eager to see those familiar faces too!
This weekend we will be saying good-bye to Samuel Odamah (but hopefully only for a year). Samuel will be continuing his studies at Harvard. There will be a taco dinner after the 6:30 worship time so that we can spend a little more quality time with Samuel and one another. God's blessings to you Samuel. Thanks for being such at great blessing to all of us at The Point!
Also this weekend we will be talking about Security - spiritual security. It is too important to miss. If I don't see you before, I will see you on Sunday.
God bless,

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Only God


Only God, that's all I can say, Only God. This past weekend was amazing.
It is a joyful privilege to see God at work in our midst. The Point was packed for our evening worship service. And it was so cool that after we talked about "Give us this day our daily bread," that we were able to place some of God's abundant blessings into the hands and stomachs of some of our neighbors. Thanks to all who helped in so many ways to make The Point a safe and welcoming place to so many. Btw, don't forget to count your shirts!

How is your walk with God going? I want you to know you have a loving Savior who cherishes you and wants to spend quality time with you. And I want you to know that when we dive into his Word he meets, encourages and transforms us. I read 1 Peter this morning (yep, the whole book - only five short chapters) and there is just so much good stuff for our lives. For example it speaks of our inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. That is quite the concept for those of us who live in a disposable society. It speaks of our value as it reminds us of our purchase price - "the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. And that God's word, the absolute truth, stands forever. And that is just in chapter 1. I encourage you to make 1 Peter your devotion time with God this week. Read it. Reread it. Pray through it. And why not commit a verse or two to memory as well. The word of God is living and active so why not go on an adventure with Him!

Jesus Cares was very cool on Monday evening. Abby and Jeff were able to make some really cool connections not only with the residents but also with the workers as well. Soon we will be holding a training session to equip those interested in being involved in this ministry. So keep your eyes and ears open for that.

Postcards were sent out to all the freshmen that we have names of. I can't wait till they get to campus and see Jesus here!

Mark you calendars for the Welcome and Welcome Back picnic. The date is Sunday September 13 at noon at Lake Park.

Most if not all of the footage for the DVD was completed this past weekend. Now comes the editing. We need your prayers for that because we have close to five hours of footage that we need to edit down to about 5 minutes. Yikes.

Kale Donovan made it home on Sunday!! What a blessing! God we pray that you would continue to do the marvelous and the miraculous in his life and in the life's of his family.

One final thing: Did you hear?! The Special Announcement. For the second year in a row, The Point of Grace was awarded the Best of Milwaukee Places of Worship! Only God! Only God!

Have a great week with Jesus. I look forward to seeing you this week as we get involved with Mission Impossible!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Moving Forward


Remember there will be a Special Announcement in worship this weekend?!
I hope you are seeing God's blessings in your life this summer. If you haven't, stop in sometime during the week at The Point and we will be able to show and share with you a great number of blessings that God has poured out on us.
Here are some things to keep you up-to-date and in the loop.
The TPOG garden is going great guns. Thanks to Nick and Diana and everyone else who has been able to water and nurture along the garden. A reminder that the food from this garden will go to help prepare meals here at The Point and also to help fill the stomach's of the homeless and those in need. What a cool labor of love!
The small group Bible studies continue to meet. The men's group meets on Tuesday mornings at 8 at The Roast (Maryland and Locust). The women's group meets at The Point Friday morning at 10. The book study, Essential Church?, finished up last night with a list of things for us to do here at The Point to improve on the already vibrant ministry that Jesus is giving us to do.
The two committees (building and no building) are about to wrap up their work and give us their final reports.
Through the generosity of the Antioch Foundation, we are working with Cornerstone Stewardship Ministries so that we are sure to be on the right path so that God's kingdom may come to us and to many others.
This Sunday we will continue to shoot the DVD to let people know what is going on at The Point. So be sure to come and bring a friend or two as well. As a part of this endeavor, we will have a cookout beginning at 5 pm.
I have a special prayer request for Kale Donovan. Kale is the nephew of Hannah Kunz (Marquette). Kale is about three weeks old. He was born with Zellweger Syndrome. He has already had a number of surgeries. I ask you to join me in prayer that God would turn our worry, concern, and fear into JOY! And that God's love would fill and lift up the hearts and lives of the Donovan's and the Kunz' families. Thanks.
Remember: There will be a Special Announcement at worship this weekend! I'll see you at 10:30 or 6:30.

Have a great day with Jesus!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

His Grace Our Hope


This weekend we will be continuing our teaching series on the Lord's Prayer entitled, "His Grace Our Hope." Our specific emphasis this weekend is "your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." It is going to be really cool to see what God's will is for our lives. Worship times are 10:30 am or 6:30 pm. this Sunday.

This Saturday is the 4th of July. As we celebrate our independence with cookouts, fireworks and fun I encourage you to celebrate safely. And as we celebrate our nation freedom, please don't forget to celebrate our freedom won for us by Jesus Christ. Feel free to go nuts over this one. It's going to last forever!

I already had two really cool meetings this week. One with Tom Trapp, the campus pastor at UW and one with Dan Oberer, pastor at Hope in Farmington, MN. What a neat thing to explore God's Word and ministry with these two guys. Keep them, their families and their ministries in your prayers. Just a reminder you can send your prayer requests to

Mike Westendorf is back after two mini-tours, one to southwestern Minnesota and one to the Pacific Northwest. It is amazing what God will do as we make it our goal not to bless ourselves but to bless others. When you get a chance, talk with Mike. He has more than one "God story" to share.

As pastor at The Point, I want to thank all of you for all that you do to make The Point a place where Jesus meets all people. I hope you are enjoying the journey as much as I am! It is so great an honor to be connected with you and God's ministry here at The Point.

I have to share with you a YEAH GOD moment. I received a phone call yesterday (Tuesday) informing us that The Point of Grace is the recipient of an award: The 2009 Best of Milwaukee Place of Worship. Join with me in shouting - YEAH GOD!

A reminder to wrap up: The DVD focusing on The Point of Grace will be shot on Sunday, July 12. We will be having a cook out at 5 pm and follow that up with our worship service.

See you at worship!
